About Us
Mental ID is a European-based, multicultural startup.
Founded by a French entrepreneur and partners from 4 other countries, we are embedded in the Health Tech Hub Copenhagen, that connects & promotes the best of Health Tech innovation within the powerful Nordic Medicon Valley.

Our multicultural team is supported by an even more international network of highly experienced Mentors, Investors and enthusiastic Ambassadors of our Vision and Ethics, be it high reputation Researchers, Clinicians or grateful Patients.
After 4 years of intensive market research, solution design and testing on chronic pain patients in France and Spain, the team decided in 2024 to move Up North, looking for the region most appropriate to further develop and test our solution in the safest and most possibly respectful environment.
We are very careful with our technological choices and the usage of Artificial Intelligence to be applied to meaningful, yet highly Sensitive Data, well aware of the importance of not "playing around" when there are Health Care systems to be optimized and pain to be relieved, be it physical or emotional.
Meet the R&D Experts
In the fight against the Mental Health Crisis and the growing expansion of Chronic Diseases, every day counts to save lives. As well Health Professionals as Patients deserve to get a safe, solid and efficient service.
Meet the Core Team who leads Mental ID's efforts to design the best possible service for the benefits of all.

Work with Mental ID and you’ll experience our uncontainable enthusiasm and curiosity for the future of Science and Mankind.
Our Vision
Open Minded
We know no cultural or geographical boundaries, our solution is global and free of cultural bias.
Impartial scientific progress for all is all what counts.
Truly innovative
We’re always two steps ahead. We never stop investigating new fields of research and opportunities to multiply our scientific partnerships.
Highly ethical
In a world of increasing potential manipulation via misusage of Big Data and A.I., we refused from Day 1 a Business Model based on selling collected data to third parties.